Everyone has that one film or tv show, their ride or die, would literally kill someone just to watch it one more time, would bring to a desert island type thing. The kind of film you've seen so many times your brain has turned into a visual script, you sit there resiting the lines and memorising every glance and interaction between characters. For me, that film is While You Were Sleeping. It has a special place in my heart, since watching it as a child, it's grasped my soul and held onto it tight. And i never, ever want it to let go.

I could spend hours rambling about this film, i'll be that weird old lady in a nursing home continually telling the same people how much i love it and quoting it, shouting the lines at random pigeons. And honestly i'm okay with it. As a child i would sit with my mum and watch this same film, again and again and again. We would laugh, cry and feel our hearts break then be put back together every single time, as if it was our first time seeing it. As a teenager, this film has been my go to for pretty much any occasion, feeling ill, watch it. Feeling happy, sad or just normal, watch it. I know every single word, every scene, every plot point like the very words on the script were carved from my bones.

The main character, seen above, Lucy Eleanor Moderatz is one of my favourite female protagonists ever. Though shy and gentle, i see myself in her a lot. She's timid on the surface, but has conviction, passion and fire in bucket loads. She's funny, smart, brilliant and totally inspirational. She's lost her parents, works a shitty job and is incredibly lonely and yet she still tries to brighten other peoples lives. Still has a smile on her face and still works so hard. Her only dream is to travel to Italy and FINALLY get a stamp on her passport.

Another reason I love this film, one of about a thousand reasons is Jack. Jack is this incredible guy and everytime i watch him on my screen i fall a little bit more in love with him. He's funny and kind but also fiercely loyal and loves his family more than anything. I won't ruin the plot for you if you've never seen it, but Jack is an all round lovely guy with a heart of gold. Sometimes i just pause the scenes of him looking at Lucy and honestly want to cry. He's such a puppy dog and just want's her to be happy.

As well as the fact that the film is set at Christmas, aka the most magical time of year. The part of the film that makes me feel soft, warm and safe, is the family. The Callaghans are the most quirky, hilarious, loving and kind family you will ever encounter. They remind me of my own. Everytime i watch it i fall more in love with each of them, i love their wild conversations at dinner, i love the messiness of their house and lives and i love that despite anything that happens, anything that anyone says or does, they're there for each other.

It's late and it's results day tomorrow, but i just wanted to ramble about this film. There's only so much i can say without ruining the plot for you. But let me tell you this, once you see this film, you will never be the same again. It will change your outlook on true love, happiness, fate and family. It'll make you feel protected and safe, like a warm blanket wrapped around you. You'll want to rewatch it again and again until the words will be printed onto your skin as they are on mine. I'm not even hyping it up, it's that good. It inspires you to go out and live your life, take chances and appreciate the people in your life who have stuck around.

Speak soon,


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