Never limit yourself for a relationship

We've all been there, we've accidentally pretended to a crush that we don't know something so we can experience the lovely 'oh let me show you' interaction. We've all pretended to be interested in things our crushes are to develop some kind of mutual rapport, but pretending we're someone we're not has got to stop. Whatever happened to just being your weird, wonderful self and seeing what happens...

No matter how old you are, the whole 'just be yourself' mantra has probably been forced down your throat excessively over the years and i would totally understand if you're bored of it. But maybe i can word it slightly differently, to appeal to you. In the whole world, across all oceans and all continents, you are the only true version of yourself. Not even barbara down the road or sally from school can be anyone but themselves. Unless somewhere in the future an invention comes about meaning you can actually be someone else, right now you're pretty much stuck as yourself. This means that whether you like it or not, you should make the most of what you've got and who you are.

And in relationships i know it may seem tempting to change slightly to fit into what the other person likes or looks for in a partner. But if you don't like football and are pretending you do, they will find out eventually and it'll be awkward as hell trying to explain that you lied because you fancied the pants off of them. You may think that your gorgeous crush will in no way like the weird dorky person that you are, but they may well do! They will probably have things about them that they feel super embarassed and insecure about that you love. And if they don't like you for who you are, they're an idiot and you deserve way better.

Healthier and more fulfilling relationships, whether a friendship or romantic, stem from you being true to yourself. If you from the offset portray yourself in exactly the way you are, warts and all, and the person really likes you, that's a relationship that can go the distance. NEVER limit yourself, put yourself into a box or category, make yourself seem smaller or dumb because you think it'll help to win the approval of a romantic partner. IT WON'T in the long run. As much as it's an annoying thing to keep hearing, you must always stay true to yourself.

After all the things i've gone through, i've realised that life is way too short to in any way live in limited ways. Be big and bold and bright. I'm a messy, loud and weird person, i'm too dorky for my own good. I don't always wear clean, fashionable clothes. But every relationship i enter in to, they understand that and love me for it. They love that sometimes i just randomly fall over when we're walking. They help me up, laugh and move on.

Do not live your life trying to be a more perfect, put together version of yourself if you're actually just a big mess. We're all big messes sometimes and that's totally cool. But just remember that limiting yourself, really isn't ever worth it. Be as loud and carefree as you possibly can and i promise you will live your best life.

Speak soon,



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