Why guilty pleasures shouldn't be guilty

We all have them right? Those guilty pleasures that we struggle to admit that we love, like a cheesy pop song or old romantic movie we can't stop re-watching. But why do we feel ashamed to admit when we like something? Why do we refer to them as guilty pleasures and how can we make them just pleasures again?

You see there are people in this world that think they're above liking things. You know the type, the self righteous, alternative type who spend their lives taking the piss of people who enjoy things. And i cannot stand those people. Liking something is a totally subjective thing, it's based upon your unique personality and interests and people should be allowed to like whatever the fuck they want to, without fear or judgement.

You don't have to agree with someone's taste in music or the weird film they stick on at Christmas, you don't have to like the things other people like, but don't be a dick about it. Don't shame someone for what they happen to enjoy, it's their life, just let them live it.

And to these people that hate everything; you're not an extra cool special person for saying you don't like things. You don't get brownie points for saying you never used to listen to one direction at school or you discovered a show before everyone else. No one fucking cares. You're not a good person if you spend your time pushing other people down in order to pull yourself up. I lose all respect for people like you, there's enough room in this world for us all to like whatever the fuck we like. It's not a competition, you aren't going to be judged at the pearly gates of heaven and gods gonna be like wow dude you remained unbothered and uninterested in mainstream culture, bravo, come on in!

And as for you, if you like that one really popular cheesy summer song or that incredibly cliche movie and you feel bad about it, stop what you're doing and ask yourself why. Because there really is no reason to feel guilty for liking something. We need to stop teaching people to repress and hide their interests, and also one song or one movie or one t-shirt doesn't define you. You define you, by your actions and kindness. If you're worried, that once your super cool and edgy friends see you went to a boybands concert, they'll label you, don't let them. Be whatever person you want to be and don't let the things you occasionally enjoy define who you are if you don't want them to.

Speak soon


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