To the best friend that drifted away

We haven't spoken in over a year and tonight, a message from you popped up on my screen, illuminating the darkness of my room. I'm not going to lie and say that message did nothing to me, in fact the truth is i had shivers run down my spine and tears prick in my eyes.

You're saying how much you miss me and i miss you too, so much, maybe more than you'll ever understand. I miss the long summers of our childhood, running around in muddy parks and attempting makeovers on each other blindfolded. I miss the innocence, the youth, the feeling of freedom, the feeling that nothing was more important than our friendship, nothing could stop me loving you. And to this day, nothing ever will.

You were there, always, just a few doors down, you were there. And whenever i needed something, or even at times when i didn't, your friendship was like a beaming light of hope. In the darkest and mistiest of days, you could always guide me home. I felt safe and happy spending my childhood with you. You poured so much love in to me, fought off anyone that hurt me, protected me like the most reliant of raincoats. I don't think you'll ever really understand how grateful i am.

I think of your curly hair and how when i was little, i would draw it like crazy squiggles, spinning the pen round and round the page until my artwork resembled your beautiful hair. I remember that picture of you, from Reception, the school photo where you blinked just as it was taken. And you were always so little and your head is bigger than your body. I remember all of it. The truth is, i don't think i will ever forget. Over a year ago, we just stopped talking. I got busy and you got busier. I found new friends and you did too, our lives no longer ran parallel anymore. And to think about it makes me want to cry, i wonder why i didn't try harder and then i remember that we both did. But life, life got in the way and i'm sorry. Because for you, i would live forever, for you i tried so hard. But it came a point when i realised i was pulling on empty strings.

The hardest part of growing up is learning that people drift apart. The only things that tied us together anymore were loyalty and memories. And i still love you. I'm so proud of you, since we were little you've always been the most hardworking, determined, funny and kind person i have ever met. I will continue to watch your life from the sidelines, continue to cheer your name as you score the goal. I will always watch over you and smile. Always remember that laugh, that cackle. I'll hear it in a supermarket ailse and feel sad that it's not you. But i've learnt that our friendship is like a damp spark, and i'm so sorry but there is nothing left anymore.

Please know, that i will always love you. I will always look back at my childhood and see little you stood there smiling at me, calling me moo. But all of that, that's just the past and this is the present. In the present, we don't speak anymore, but we do still love. And so as long as you live, i promise you my heart will remember you. It will remember everything.


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