The 20 types of people you'll meet at university

University is a weird time, before now you’ve probably spent a lot of your life choosing the types of people you surround yourself with. But at University, that decision is made for you, you are surrounded by types of people that seem totally alien to you, people that would usually have never crossed over into your life. And these different types of people that seem totally unfamiliar to you, can become your closest friends. But in this post i’m going to uncover the 20 types of people you’ll be likely to meet, i’ve divided these people up into categories and they go a little something like this (and if you don’t find that this list is accurate that’s fine, this is based upon my own experiences)

The Angry Vegan
Hey, i’m all for Vegetarianism and Veganism, i think it’s a noble and courageous pursuit and anyone who partakes in it is doing a brilliant job, i’m not going to mock it. But the types of people i’ve met at uni that fall under this category think it’s okay to belittle and put down anyone who is not currently following a vegan diet. I just don’t think this is okay, don’t force your diet down other peoples throats, doing that offers you no favours in terms of convincing people to become one. These types of people are usually dressed head to toe in ‘Meat is murder’ merchandise and have probably let their hair grow down to their waists. They’ll often be found lecturing their flatmates on their dietary choices and watching documentaries on slaughterhouses, all in all just fun people to be around
The Passionate Patriot
The one’s so proud of where they’re from it’s a wonder why they moved away in the first place. You know the type, since moving away all they can talk about is where they’re from. They can usually be found recounting the same stories over and over of the ‘funny’ memories they have, the stories of their hometowns and purposefully bringing private jokes into conversation that only their home friends can understand just so they can say ‘’you should have been there’’ as they wistfully sigh and take a sip of their drink. Probably dressed head to toe in an outfit representing home, usually on the phone to their friends talking about how much they miss it there
The Hypochondriac
We’ve all met one, usually found in the Uni’s GP waiting room staring at posters that say ‘’The 5 signs of cancer’’ and sweating through their top as they consider how long they have to live. They probably don’t even eat, they just have a kitchen cupboard full of lempsips, cough sweets and thermometers. They ask you to check their rashes all the time and find themselves booking a new appointment with the doctor every week, calls home to their parents are frequent as they like to update the family on what new disease is gracing them that week
The Ghost
There’s little to know of the ghost, always found in their rooms with no exceptions. You know you live with them and you know you briefly met them during freshers, but you and the rest of your flat are pretty sure they died some months ago. You ocassionally hear a noise or two coming from their room and you assume they’re still kicking but nobody really knows. They’re probably really lovely and you’ll discover this during a conversation you have with them on the day you all move out
The Suspicious One
This person probably likes to keep themselves to themselves, usually carrying a large black backpack which you profoundly hope doesn’t contain a bomb. They walk around campus alone, with large chunky headphones on. You’re assuming the only reason they’re getting a degree is because they’re training to become powerful enough to overthrow the government. You smile at this suspicious person and they usually respond with a grunt, probably best to be left alone until you’ve gained their trust
The Subject Nerd
Every subject has one, every course, every degree. If you don’t know who it is, it’s probably you. They sit at the front of every lecture grinning from ear to ear. They put their hand up at every question and stay behind after lectures to ask professors for more work. They think their subject is the best, most challenging and intellectually thrilling one at the University. They can usually be found in the library’s quiet section, loudly gloating over their 2:1’s and how fast they can hand an assignment in. Usually with no one actually listening
The Night Cook
This person does not like to be seen. They lurk in the kitchen after dark when no one is around and jump at the chance to cook with absolutely no social interaction involved. They cook strange and mysterious foods and leave only a trace of a smell in the morning, like a vampire they vanish at the first sign of light-
The Plain White Boy
Usually found eating dry crackers and plain noodles, this guy has never smelt a spice in his life. He thinks salt and pepper are exotic fruits and had gotten so used to his mummy’s cooking he didn’t think to learn to cook at all for himself once he’d moved away
The Offended Hipster
They probably think that everything you’re saying is a personal attack on them. Even though they don’t understand that, as they are usually a straight white cis man they hold more privilege and less persecution than anyone else in the world but they still feel like the world is out to get them. They complain about everything and can usually be found wallowing in their own self pity. They want to be seen as a justice seeking hero but really they do nothing to make the world a better place
The DJ
I call them a DJ because the amount of music they play they might as well be one. Usually found held up in their room blasting 50 different albums a night. When they actually venture out of their room to socialise with anyone they drown out the sounds of others speaking with their tunes, usually found with a headphone permanently attached to one ear at all times
The Creepy Boy (man child)
This boy can usually be found leering at girls, leaning on brick walls and catcalling them because he thinks he deserves their time. He thinks he's gods gift to all women and intends to make sure every woman in his local vacinity knows this. Probably smells like Lynx Africa and bad choices
The Ones that are no longer here
These people take many forms just not forms we can see anymore as they disappeared one night and never came back. Some leave for illness, bereavement or course changes. For whatever reason they left, although their presence is no longer a permanent part of your university experience you still speak of them ocassionally. 'I hope they're okay' or 'Oh yeah what happened to him?'
The Anime One
No matter where you go at uni, whoever you meet and however much of an interest you take in it, you will meet an anime person. Usually dressed in korean clothes and listening to music you've never heard of. The anime person is often kind and soft spoken, they just want to be left alone to watch their anime and it's best if you let them
The Innocent One
This person is usually quiet and mousey. They've come to university with no real strong opinions of their own, they speak very little and mainly observe the world around them as a passing spectator. Sometimes university life can bring out the wild side in an innocent one, but sometimes they remain unaffected by the world around them and that's just how they like it
The Smokers
You've guessed it, usually found with a cigarette in hand talking about politics or the environment. Probably in a hoodie and definetley nodding their head slowly as they engage in deep conversation. Mostly always they permanently smell of smoke and spend their lives waiting for the next ciggy break
The Fire Starter
Not to be confused with the smokers, these individuals love nothing more than drunkenly setting the fire alarm off at 5 in the morning as they return home from their wild nights out. They can usually be found giggling as the security guards come to turn off the alarms, thinking they're the funniest pranksters to ever walk the earth
The Self Righteous Tory
Mostly always found at a party discussing politics loudly and angrily enough to be mistaken as a middle aged man. Probably from a family with a lot of money and most certainly dressed in Blue shirts, brown trousers and brogue shoes. Loves to argue foxhunting should be legal everywhere and probably forces himself upon girls because he's never been told no in his life
The I'm better than Everyone one
Probably found interrupting conversations just to add juicy annecdotes of their own personal lives. Never listen to anyone ever, except they wait until people stop talking just to inject the silence with more ''funny'' sidestories about them. You can probably find them staring at themselves in the mirror and sighing at just how brilliant they are. Whatever cool thing you think you've done, they've done it bigger and better
The Edgy Guy
Loves to be different, quirky, edgy. Disagrees with every point in class purely because he loves the sound of his own voice. Loves to say things just for the reaction, will loudly state he supports Trump just so people will look at him. Usually found alone at a party shouting over music for people to pay him attention
And finally
The Greatest People you'll ever meet
These can be flatmates, course mates, people you met in the shop or the library but the universe will have pulled you together in some way and you'll be so glad it did. You probably have some things in common, but the main reason you love them is just how much they can make you laugh. You cook together, read together, take trips down to the library together. They support you and you support them. And the friendship you have with them will override any of the nasty people you'll meet anywhere else.



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