new poem- dreamin jobs'

In my head I’m an astronaut, or maybe not but I’m something impressive
Something complicated and professional and powerful
I’m an executive or a manager, or just really good at my pretend job.
I impress people with my natural flare, I’m a hardworking boss ass bitch woman
Not cut throat, but near enough
I have money in the bank, not just for rent and food but actual spending money
And I spend it on nice clothes and meals out and the money hardly goes down at all
If the money does fall, I just top it up because I’m that organised

In my head I have many jobs, many titles, my cv is fat and full like a post christmas
dinner tummy and all of these jobs fulfill me
I am full of pride and accomplishment for myself, I’m practically overflowing
And in my mind, I am so many people it’s hard to keep up with who I have been that week
One week I was a radio host and on the same day I wrote a bestselling book and I wrote movies
and in my spare time I raised money for charity. It was a busy week

Sometimes, I get so good at my pretend jobs that I end up promoting myself just purely because
I’m that talented. And yes I know what you’re thinking, if I’m the one in charge of the promotions
then surely I am already at that senior level? Well, truth to be told I haven’t thought about it that much.
All I know is, in my head. I. Am. A. Winner.

I think about this world I’ve built all the time. When I’m on the bus or when I’m at my part-time job
or even when I’m scrubbing dishes. Really, I spend so much time there, in that place, so many hours
spent thinking and building this world. It’s just a shame I'm late for work…


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