Not being good at something you love

It's pretty obvious, that no matter who you are, how perfect and talented you may seem, there are going to be things you do that you aren't very good at. For me it's singing, or cooking things without burning them. But, those things that i so obviously suck at, i still enjoy doing.

But who's to say that being bad at something, should stop you from enjoying it. There's so much pressure in our society to pursue hobbies that we are good at, to further our skills and excel in that field. But sometimes, as much as you practice, you won't be good at some things. As much as i could take singing lessons, i will always be tone deaf.

But you should be able to enjoy things even if you're not great at them, or you're not the best in the field. In life there will always be people better at things than you, and you will always encounter things that you can't do to the best of your ability. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try and laugh along the way. Yeah you may suck at tennis or drawing, but if you enjoy it, why does your ability have to have anything to do with it?

If you genuinely enjoy something you need to worry less about whether you're good at it, or how people will view your lack of talent. And instead focus on enjoying it for what it is.

(Sorry for the very short post but we've been out hiking all day and i'm very tired)

Speak soon



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