YouTubers that changed my outlook on life

I discovered the world of youtubers and online influencers back in 2013, not knowing what this little world was or what it meant, i started watching vlogs and main channel videos of certain vloggers and haven't looked back since. I have realised however, that in these last 4 years, i have been very influenced by these personalities and my outlooks on life have changed as a result. I thought i would do a run down of 8 youtubers that have greatly influenced me and that i would seriously recommend watching...

Meghan Hughes 

Meghan has such a sunny disposition, you might actually mistake her for the sun. I discovered her about a year ago through a video she had done on menstrual cups and i remember binge watching all her videos in one day. I became addicted to her infectious, hilarious and kind personality. She's very easy to watch and promotes such positivity, it's hard to walk away from her videos and feel anything but joy. She does videos on womens health, feminism, meditation, beauty and fashion. She has also covered important topics such as consent, sex ed and black lives matter rallies. I am TELLING you to watch her videos now. Like right now. She's changed my outlook on life, reminding me to always be positive and kind. She's also opened my eyes to spirituality, meditation and crystals.

Dodie Clark

Dodie's a special one to me. She was the first youtuber i found, i discovered her music and was addicted. I've watched her grow since 2013 and have fallen more in love with her everyday. She is a big voice in the youtube community and not only impacts people through her music but through her open discussions of her mental health. I have extreme loyalty to her, she's one of the kindest most genuine influencers online and her music is so bloody calming and beautiful. She's changed my outlook on life in terms of overcoming extreme trauma and still managing to bring light to other peoples lives.

Anna Saccone

Oh Anna. I get emotional just thinking about her. She's such an incredible person who's overcome so much and still remains so positive and kind. I found her through her husbands famous family vlogs (The Saccone Jolys) and instantly fell in love with this infectiously charming family. But since discovering Annas channel and finding out more about her, i have nothing but respect for the woman. She receives alot of abuse online for a start and handles it like a boss. She's an amazing mum to 3 kids, has suffered through her father dying and an extreme eating disorder, and last year she had a miscarriage. And she is such a strong, funny, warm woman. I have learnt so much from her. I mainly have learnt how to care for others and put their needs before your own. She's such an incredible mum and i know that if i am ever lucky enough to be one (i'm only 19 so hopefully not just yet) then i will take many pointers from this awesome woman.

Rhiannon Ashlee

Rhiannon is a new one to the list, but one i appreciate just as much. She's a very kind, warm and funny woman with a lot to offer. I started watching her last year when she was pregnant with her first child Delilah. Ever since then, i haven't been able to stop watching her. Her vlogs are incredibly calming and she's just an ordinary person with a busy life. She's an incredible mum and tries her absolute best in everything she does. I love to put her vlogs on in the background as i do things. She's such a calming presence. Like alot of youtubers, she's been through many difficult upheavals but still remains such a positive shining light in the vlogging community.

Arden Rose

Ardens taught me alot, without me even really realising it. I started watching her videos very casually, mainly for the lovely aesthetics and pretty clothes. But soon came to realise that she has alot more to offer than just being a beauty guru. She's probably best known for her beautiful instagram account and whilst i very much appreciate that, it's her personality and kindness i enjoy. She's been through alot, eating disorders and such, but remains positive and strong. What i admire most about her is her ability to work hard and juggle a busy life. She makes videos, has written a self help book and is acting in an american tv show. I admire her determination and take lessons from her that hard work and self preservation pay off.

Grace Victory

Grace is the newest addition this list, but in many ways the most appreciated for my personal circumstances. She's a plus size blogger and vlogger. Firstly, her fashion sense is incredible. As a bigger woman i seriously appreciate having such a beautiful, fashionable and accessible blogger to look up to. Secondly, she happens to have gone through alot and remains such an inspirational influencer online. She's recently released a book detailing her life upheavals and her struggles with an eating disorder and her weight. She inspires me to feel confident and happy in my own skin. She encourages her viewers to take what other people think out of the equation and just think about themselves and how they feel about their own bodies. She's inspired so many people and has taught me so much. As a woman of colour she has also spoken up lots online about the lack of diversity in the blogging community which is a topic that is very much hidden away.

Melanie Murphy

Ah, my fellow green eyed gal. Melanie has to be one of the nicest people i have ever come across, ever. She's an irish youtuber who focuses on videos surrounding both physical and mental health, eating disorders, body image and healthy eating. After having gone through an eating disorder and a condition called body dismorphia, her videos have taught me so much about my eating habits and health. She encourages people to eat balanced, nutritious meals, to have lots of exercise and to practice lots of self care to cater to their mental health. She's very inspirational, kind and easy to watch.

Zoe Sugg

Lastly, Zoe. THE most famous female youtuber out there and therefore needs no introduction. I can't even explain how much her videos have actually helped my anxiety. She sort of saved me. I found her videos when i was going through my anxious breakdown and had no idea what anxiety was, she just completely rescued me and i have such a loyalty towards her as a result. She's not only incredibly kind, genuine and inspirational. But she's also so naturally funny. I could watch her for hours, she's such a comfort to me and i have so much respect for her. She's built this empire from nothing, has worked her arse off and deserves everything she's got. She's written books and encouraged young girls to get involved in reading and writing. She inspires millions of people and i love her a lot.

Okay i've rambled on enough
Speak soon,



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